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Stand For Nature Wales Recruits

Small Wildlife Charity Upskills Young People Through a Six-Month Traineeship.
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Radnorshire Wildlife Trust has successfully recruited two young people for a six-month traineeship, as part of the Stand for Nature Wales project. This training programme is made possible  by players of the National Lottery, through the Community Fund – Climate Action Fund and thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, awarded by the Postcode Planet Trust. This is an exciting new step for Radnorshire Wildlife Trust and will hopefully be repeated annually.

The traineeship was set up as a scheme for 18–24-year-olds to work alongside Radnorshire Wildlife Trust’s dedicated team of staff and volunteers. The aim is to provide a wide range of activities such as hands-on practical work, research, campaigning, project planning, and digital communication, as well as the vital professional skills required to take that first step into the conservation sector. As part of the programme the trainees receive a £500 training bursary each, through the PPL Pioneer Fund, which will cover first aid training, safeguarding training, and any other relevant training of their choice.

Silvia Cojocaru, Stand for Nature Wales Community Officer said “Through this programme, we hope to encourage young people to explore and develop their skills and knowledge. The trainees are a crucial part of our Stand for Nature Wales team at Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, supporting us in delivering the project, taking action to tackle the climate emergency in their local area, and hopefully inspiring others along the way.” 

Since starting in September, the trainees have enthusiastically taken part in habitat management with the reserves team, litter picking, scything training, and species surveys, including for moths and fungi. They have also attended beaver consultations, school sessions and outreach events, in addition to creating the under 25’s digital newsletter content.

Nature’s Recovery and Climate Change Trainee, Joe said “Throughout my teenage years I’ve always been interested in keeping up-to-date with climate change and wildlife destruction. I applied for the traineeship as it looked like the perfect opportunity to take that first step into combatting and preventing further damage. After my first month, I’ve had a good amount of experience in practical conservation; using hand tools with our volunteer team and taking a one day scything course. I particularly enjoyed the consultation hosted by the Welsh Beaver Project; it gave me a good understanding of the potential benefits of beaver reintroduction, and how that would contribute towards nature’s recovery.

Nature’s Recovery and Climate Change Trainee, Catrin said “Having recently graduated with degrees in Bioarchaeology, I am beginning to reignite my childhood passion for wildlife. While my main passions are skeletons and biomechanics, I am currently taking on the (slightly daunting) task of learning the basics of species identification.”

Radnorshire Wildlife Trust is aware of how difficult it can be to get into a career in conservation, climate change and sustainability – as employment opportunities are fairly competitive. The Nature’s Recovery and Climate Change traineeship was designed to support young people and act as an important steppingstone in their career journey.

Want to take part?
If you would like to take part in next year’s traineeship program please register your interest by emailing the Stand for Nature Wales Community Officer, Silvia at silvia@rwtwales.org

Need more information?
As part of the Stand for Nature Wales project, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust also organises a wide range of activities such as fortnightly youth action group meetings, board game nights, and outdoor practical work events. For more information and to receive regular updates you can sign up to the Trust’s under 25’s e-newsletter here: www.rwtwales.org


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